Using conditional formatting in TeamOrgChart
This example uses the demo chart data. If you do not already have a Demonstration chart in your account you can create a new one by clicking the "Create new org chart" button from the home page and selecting the "Create a Demonstration Data Source" option.

The Conditional Formatting Rules page can be accessed by choosing Conditional formatting from the chart navigation bar.
If you cannot see these options then you may not have the correct permissions to modify the charts.

A conditional format consists of two parts. The condition to be evaluated and one or more changes, or "impacts", that will be applied to the chart if the rule evaluates to true.
In this example the rule is going to test the column Job Title to see if it contains the word Director.
If it does then the color will be changed to Red.

Once the rule has been saved and the chart viewed navigate back to your chart and you should see all directors boxes shown in red.

To add two or more rules simply click the Add New Rule button. There is no limit on the number of rules that can be created. TeamOrgChart uses a "First Rule Wins" philosophy. That is each rule will be applied to every box within your organization chart and the first rule to be evaluated as "True" is applied to the box.
Another rule testing the Job Title to see if it contains the word Manager and if it does the box will turned green.

Once the second rule has been saved we can view the chart and see the manager and director positions highlighted.

You can also create and edit conditional formatting rules using the Quick Conditional Formatting button in chart toolbar. This will open a dialog with the same options as the Conditional Formatting page but allows for much faster management of rules.