Interacting with annotations
You have different options available to you in how you interact with annotations, which can have multiple uses. You can find each interaction button at the top right of any annotation.
There are 4 different ways you can interact with an annotation
- Reactions
- Replies
- Delete
- Collapse

You can add replies to existing annotations on a chart box. They will be displayed as slightly indented underneath the annotation that they are a reply to. In order to add a reply, you need to click the reply button.

This will open a second textbox in which you can enter your reply.

Click submit, and your reply will be added.

Reactions are a great way to interact with an annotation without needing to leave another. This saves taking up screen space and making it more difficult to see agreements over general discussion.
In order to add a reaction, you must first click the reactions button. This will open up a window that lists all the available reactions.

When you select an annotation from the window, it will be displayed at the bottom of the annotation for all admins to see.

If you would like to see who has reacted with which annotation, you can simply click the reaction at the bottom and it will open a second window that shows this information.

If you would like to change or remove your annotation, you can click the reactions button again, and either click your new reaction, or click the same one as before to remove it.
You can delete your annotations by clicking on the trash button. If you delete an annotation that has replies, they will also all be deleted, along with any reactions they have.

Annotations with replies can be collapsed in order to hide the replies. This is useful for chart boxes with mutliple annotations that you may wish to skip over. In order to collapse an annotation, click the arrow button on the right.

Once you click on this, you will see the replies disappear, and in their place hyperlink informing you of the number of hidden replies.

If you wish to show the replies again, you can either click the hyperlink, or click the arrow again.