Manually entering chart data
After choosing your data source you will be taken to the data source page.
From here you can create employees using either the "Quick add" input by entering a name, job title and unique ID. When complete press the "Quick add" button.

On the left, a grid will appear. To add new employees to your hierarchy chart you can click the plus icon.

You will then see a blank row in the grid, to edit this you can click the "i".
A window will pop-up, allowing you to add data to the fields as needed.

If you have already created an employee using one of the methods above you should see that employee when you navigate to your chart. If not you will see a blank chart box with two options; Edit Link and Remove.
First of all, make sure Edit Mode is turned on. You will then have access to the following functions:
- Green + button - This is the "Quick Create button" and it creates a "Child" or direct report of the current box immediately.
- Red + button - This shows a simple pop-up window and lets you fill in details of the position to be created.
- Edit Link - Shows a simplified edit page to allow you to set the name, title to be displayed within the chart boxes.
- Remove Link - Removes the box from the chart.

You can quickly recreate your organization structure by adding empty employees with the green plus button.
Pressing the Green + button quickly creates new items. You have the opportunity to fill in details later. Using the Quick Add is useful for rapidly creating the outline of your organization structure.

Clicking the Edit Link on an empty box shows the Edit Chart Entry window. This allows you to fill in the details of the chart boxes.
For a box that is already filled in clicking anywhere on the background brings up the window.
HINT : You can choose what should be displayed in the chart boxes by going to the Columns page.

As you are creating your chart you may wish to reposition chart boxes. This can be achieved by simply dragging a box and dropping it onto the box that you wish to move it to.
Once you chart has been completed you can simply exit the edit mode by clicking the Edit button in the tool bar. You can re-enter edit mode at any time using the same button.