Moderating annotations
While you can find and delete annotations on their individual chart boxes, it is much more efficient to use the All Annotations window on the sidebar.
To access this, you must first go into edit mode, and look at the sidebar on the left.

You will see a tab called All Annotations at the end. Click on this and you will be greeted with the following.

The window will list all the annotations that are on the current chart, whether their chart nodes are currently visible on the screen or not. There is also a filter option to allow you to search for particular annotations.

There are 3 different filter types:
- Reaction
- Name
- Annotation Text
Reaction filtering allows you to only show annotations that have a certain reaction.

Name filtering allows you to search for not only the name of the user who posted the annotation, but also the name of the chart box to which the annotation was posted.

Annotation text filtering allows you to search for the text of an annotation.